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Social Contexts and Responses to Risk



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Discussion Meeting -
Living with Nuclear Power in Britain (30th Sept. 2008)

Press Release

Living with Nuclear Power in Britain: A Mixed-methods Study.

Barcelona conference - Press Release (22.09.08)

Uptake on Sharia mortgages and products limited according to new research
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Media Imagery of GM and Stem Cells
Recent books from SCARR
15-17 April 2009
SCARR, Beijing Normal University, ESRC, RCUK, University of Ken
Managing the Social Impacts of Change from a Risk Perspective
Beijing Normal University, Beijing

Abstracts (Now available)
Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Grants
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Paper Proposals
Draft Programme
Registration Form

The Economic and Research Council have recognised the value of the research in the Social Contexts and Responses to Risk Priority Network by awarding the Director, Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby in SSPSSR, a Programme Fellowship. This grant will consolidate the research contribution of the Network by supporting a major international conference in Beijing on the theme of Managing the Social Impacts of Change from a Risk Perspective and a book-length overview of the work of the research. Awards from ESRC and other bodies for the Network now exceed £3m.

The conference, in 2009, will focus on the emergence of new social risks in the transition from a state socialist to a more market-oriented economy. It will be specifically concerned with engaging Chinese academics and policy-makers with the implications of ESRC-funded research. Chinese society faces enormous pressures from headlong growth, migration to the cities, the disruption of traditional family care and dependency and the impact of new market systems in a formerly socialist society. These changes lead both to greater economic insecurity and to new opportunities. SCARR research provides up-to-date analysis of how individuals respond to these new social risks. The research also analyses how public policy-makers assess risks and the associated issues of regulation and public trust.

The conference will draw on research links developed between the Network and Beijing Normal University. Proceedings will be published in Chinese and English.

The project will also support the writing of a book on Risk, Trust and Policy, which will draw together SCARR Network findings relevant to public policy. Network research examines diversity and perceptions of risk, intergenerational issues, the way in which people interact with the media in learning about risk, new citizen-consumer approaches to the regulation of public policy and the management of uncertainties in the context of family relationships with partners and children. The book will set these findings in the context of other research and of theoretical debates to provide an account of how current policy directions relate to the way people approach and understand the risks that face them in everyday life.

Press Release


Now Available:

Zinn, Jens O. (Ed.) (2007): Social Theories of Risk and Uncertainty: An Introduction, Blackwell: Oxford - Malden (MA).
ISBN: 9781405153362, ISBN10: 1405153369

New Publications

Lewis, Jane, 'Teenagers and their Parents : Parental time and Parenting Style - What are the Issues?':(2007)
Political Quarterly 78 (2): 292-300.

Taylor-Gooby, Peter and Zinn, Jens O. eds. (2006):
Risk in Social Science, ISBN: Hardback: 13: 978-0-19-928596-9; Paper: 10: 0-19-928596-9
Oxford, Oxford University Press.

New Working Papers:

Cebulla, A
Adjusting to a More Modern World?

Have Risk Perceptions changed between Generations?


Quilgars, D, Jones A & Abbott, D
Risky Rainy Days:
Who plans for their financial future?


Quilgars, D, Jones A & Abbott, D
Does difference make a difference in financial planning for risk?

Venables D, Pidgeon N, Simmons P, Henwood K & Parkhill K
Living with Nuclear Power: A Q-method Study of Local Community Risk Perceptions

Pidgeon, N, Simmons, P, Sarre, S, Henwood, K, & Smith, N;
Health, Risk and Society – in press
Risk, Framing and Everyday Life: epistemological and methodological reflections from three sociocultural projects


Lunt, P, Livingstone, S, Malik, S
Public Understanding of Regimes of Risk Regulation: A report on focus group discussions with citizens and consumers

Working Papers - 2007

Burchardt, M: Managing Risks through Solidarity?HIV/AIDS and the Organization of Support in South Africa (SCARR WP19)

Mehta, J: Being Economic: Perspectives on Risk and Rationality (SCARR WP18)

Zinn,J: Risk, Social Change and Morals. Conceptual Approaches of Sociological Risk Theories (SCARR WP17)