International students hold rally to demonstrate against visa restrictions

Press Office
March of Unity: We Stand Together (#WithoutUS) by Anthony Manning
March of Unity: We Stand Together (#WithoutUS)

International students organised a rally at the University on Thursday 21 March in support of a campaign for a change in the visa rules governing work after study.

Students gathered at Kent’s Canterbury campus student plaza to demonstrate for the government to re-introduce the Post-Study Work Visa (PSWV). This enabled students to remain in the UK for two years after their studies on a student visa, rather than requiring a separate visa, but was closed in 2012.

The March of Unity: We Stand Together (#WithoutUS) demonstration saw both overseas and UK-based students take part and organisers Kent Union and the International Students Kent society said the event was well-attended.

Aarish Hyder, Kent Union’s International Students’ Officer, said: ‘As the International Students’ committee, we have not backed down on campaigning and representing the views of students. We campaign on issues that affect both EU and non-EU students and work closely across NUS to ensure that international students’ voices are heard across the different campaigns.

‘As well as working nationally, we work to support the campaigns of international students locally. This covers a wide range of the educational experience, from housing fees, xenophobia on campus, employability and internationalisation.’

Dr Anthony Manning, Dean for Internationalisation at the University, said: ‘The University supported its international students in this rally. We are committed to internationalisation and the current visa restrictions can act as a barrier to those wishing to come and study here in the UK.’