Dr Carmen Stoian

Senior Lecturer in International Business
+44 (0)1227 827991
Dr Carmen Stoian


Dr Carmen Stoian is a Senior Lecturer in International Business at Kent Business School, University of Kent. She holds a PhD from the University of Kent.
Dr Stoian acts as a reviewer for several conferences and journals, including the Journal of World Business, Business Ethics: A European Review and the Journal of Business Ethics. Dr Stoian has contributed to a report on the European funding commissioned by the British Parliament. 

Research interests

How institutions affect international business and have employed institutional theory to examine the determinants of inward and outward foreign direct investment from Central and Eastern Europe.
Carmen’s research interests are of a multidisciplinary nature and combine quantitative and qualitative approaches. She also works on investigating Corporate Social Responsibility practices in the UK as well as in emerging economies.
Dr Stoian has published in various journals such as: 

  • International Business Review
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Business Ethics: A European Review
  • Journal of European Integration
  • Journal of International Business and Economics
  • International Journal of Economics and Business Research
  • Global Business and Economics Anthology.  


Dr Stoian teaches in International Business at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
She has previously taught International Business at MBA level at KBS, and as part of modules delivered to visiting students from partnering German universities. Carmen has also taught lectures and seminars in Corporate Social Responsibility at postgraduate level. 


Dr Stoian is happy to supervise PhD projects in areas of International Business and Corporate Social Responsibility related to her area of expertise. 

Current Supervisees

  • Georgie Kemsley: A Study of the Decision Making Capabilities of SME Managers during periods of Uncertainty
  • Zhenhao He: Internationalisation strategies of multinationals from emerging countries: Case Studies from China and Russia

Past Supervisees

  • Roger Mongong Fon: China’s FDI into Africa: An institutional perspective
  • Juliane ThiemeThe Political Economy of Backpacker Tourism Consumption and Production in Colombia
  • Gaye Bebek: Analysing the Differences in the Cultural Meaning of Green Products.
  • Jeanette Hexter: Cultural Consequences for European Collaborative Arrangements in Telecommunications: A German View.
  • Zita Stone: Financial System Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Time for Equity Culture? 


Member of the Academy of International Business and European International Business Academy.

Drawing on her research with Dr Gilman on ‘SMEs, CSR and Firm Growth’, she has produced a factsheet on ‘CSR that Pays for SMEs’ that was distributed to SMEs in the UK using the network of the Centre for Employment, Competitiveness and Growth that Dr Mark Gilman chairs. 

Last updated