Learning Portuguese (Advanced B) - HISP5005

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Module delivery information

This module is not currently running in 2024 to 2025.


The module aims to develop students' language skills in Portuguese (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to a higher advanced level of ability and help them gain further insight into aspects of the culture and society of the Portuguese-speaking countries. They will learn to use more complex sentences and structures such as the passive voice and compound sentences and will further expand their vocabulary. By the end of this module they will be expected to understand in more detail a variety of texts from a range of genres, from the media, including TV programmes and films, and short literature texts.


Contact hours

Total Contact Hours: 30

Method of assessment

• Written Coursework (600 words) – 20 %
• Reading In-Course Test – (40 minutes) – 20 %
• Writing In-Course Test – (40 minutes) – 20 %
• Listening In-Course Test – (40 minutes) – 20%
• Oral In-Course Test (5 minutes) – 20 %

Indicative reading

Indicative Reading List:

Bechara, E., (2003). Moderna gramática portuguesa. 37ª. Edição revisada e ampliada. RJ: Editora Lucerna.
Bosi, A., (1987). Cultura brasileira: temas e situações. São Paulo: Ed. Ática.
Lima, E. E. O. F. & Lunes, S. A., (2005). Português via Brasil: um curso avançado para estrangeiros. São Paulo: EPU.
Masip, V., (2000). Gramática de português como língua estrangeira: fonologia, ortografia e morfossintaxe. Sa~o Paulo: Editora Pedago´gica e Universita´ria.

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

By taking this module, you will be able:

8.1 Recognise and use a range of registers in Portuguese;
8.2 Demonstrate refined listening comprehension skills;
8.3 Demonstrate sophisticated linguistics skills by means of studying more complex grammatical structures and expanding their lexical in Portuguese through reading texts from a variety of genres and registers;
8.4 Analyse texts in Portuguese from a variety of genres in order acquire key structures, rhetorical devices and idioms;
8.5 Converse in Portuguese on a range of topics, including academic topics, at an advanced level;
8.6 Demonstrate confident oral and written skills in Portuguese.


  1. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  2. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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