I want to work in Social Work

Find out how you can start a career in social work. Here we list potential job roles and some of the leading companies in that sector.

Job Roles

Social Worker

Social Workers support vulnerable people in the community with the aim of improving their lives and helping them to overcome barriers. Social Workers specialise in working with a particular client group e.g. children and families or those with mental health difficulties. As well as in local authorities, opportunities exist in the charity and private sectors. Agency work is also available.

Care Home Manager

Care Home Managers are responsible for residential care homes and ensure that all care standards are met.

Education Welfare Officer

Education Welfare Officers support children to attend school regularly and liaise with schools, pupils and families.

Family Support Worker

Family Support Workers help families and children that are experiencing problems with the aim of having a positive impact on their lives.

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

Psychological wellbeing practitioners support people suffering with mental health issues.

Probation Officer

Probation Officers work with offenders and aim to reduce rates of re-offending and protect the public.

Safeguarding and Reviewing Officer

Safeguarding and Reviewing Officers monitor and support organisations in adhering to statutory requirements.
Job profile of a Safeguarding and Reviewing Officer from the Think Care Careers website

Youth Offending Team Officer

Working with young offenders with the aim of reducing rates of re-offending and supporting young people to achieve positive outcomes.
Job profile of a Youth Offending Team Officer from the National Careers Service website

Find out more

UK regulatory organisations for social work

Useful websites

Last updated